The most important need of young infants is secure nurturing relationships. The program in our infant room is designed to help this security. Infants learn that their needs are met promptly and they are held and cuddled frequently.


Feeding and diapering times are used as opportunities in language development and other individual learning experiences. Teachers introduce the children to language by talking with them and encouraging them to verbalize. Individual daily activities are planned according to each child’s developmental stage and home routines of feeding and sleeping. Toys and equipment are available for infants to explore in a safe and well monitored environment.







The need for security and the desire to explore continues into the toddler age. Since this is the age when children seek to be in control, activities are planned to promote cooperation through play. Teachers help toddlers to increase their language and social skills by guiding them to “use their words’ to express their feelings. Reading stories is a favorite in this room. Self-help skills are encouraged, especially in the areas of eating, dressing and toilet training. Small group activities are carried out daily. Children learn to take turns and are

room helpers.


Materials and equipment are provided to give the children the opportunity to experience dramatic play as well as develop their sensory, fine and gross motor skills. Quiet time is also encouraged to allow the children to rest themselves and read books. Children are given the opportunity to develop their creativity through dramatic play, art, music and movement activities.





Teachers assist the children in learning how to establish positive cooperative relationships with adults and peers through a variety of small and large muscle activities.


Self-esteem is promoted by planning activities that children can successfully complete. The learning environment is designed to provide Kindergarten readiness skills through active exploration of sensory and manipulative materials. Language and listening skills continue to develop through books, songs and conversations.


Themed activities are incorporated into different learning environments where children are free to choose their own activities with guidance from the teachers. Creative expression is fostered through a variety of art media, puppetry, dramatic play and music activities.






Children are encouraged to help plan their activities. They work together with the teachers to create a positive learning environment. Christian concepts are incorporated throughout the day in devotions, music and prayer.


Proper scheduling and curriculum allow the children to learn through active involvement in various learning experiences with each other. Children are allowed to work individually or in small informal groups most of the time. They are allowed more freedom to work independently under the supervision of adults.


Teachers assign tasks to teach the children responsibility for themselves and others. Exploration of science and math concepts is built into planning through cooking experiments and sensory activities. Team activities with cooperation, not competition are encouraged.


Children continue to learn about the world and the community they live in through field trips, service projects and activities that introduce them to other cultures.


School Age

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